Sunday, May 24, 2009

On our way.

It has been a long time since we started this adoption journey, two years to be exact. God has directed us all the way from Honduras to America, to not knowing, and finally to Ethiopia. On October 20th, He brought us to Darartu, who had just been placed two weeks earlier on the Celebrate Children International Waiting Children's list. The past seven month have been filled with many emotions and questions. God has thought us a lot about trust and obedience, during the process speaking to us in very direct ways. He has confirmed over and over that this is His will for our family. He has made provision for us. He has proven Himself faithful, over and over. We are so thankful.

We will be on our way to Ethiopia on May 30th to meet our sweet six year old princess, and return home on June 5th.

We ask that you will pray for our safety, health, and that the Lord will give us wisdom. Pray for Derartu, she will be experiencing a lot of emotions and will be going through a lot of changes, the main one being the English language.

We want to thank all of you who have been a part of this amazing time in our lives. We are so thankful for your support and prayers.


  1. We love you guys and are so proud of you for staying faithful to what the Lord has command you to do. I know it has not always been easy but remember that 'the reward is greater than the sacrifice" we stand in prayer believing for only the best during and after this trip.
    We are blessed to know you and to be part of your life.
    Cant wait to meet your new little one and we love her already!
    Love you and will be missing you while your gone....
    Many Blessings The Fidalgo's

  2. We are so excited for you and are in constant prayer for all of you during this time of blessings and many changes. We love you!

    -Melissa and Aby Bauzo


  4. We are so happy for you. We love you very much and have been praying for you all the way. Can't wait to see her, the girls are really excited and remind me to pray for her if i forget. Stay safe! Alex, Vyma, Andrea y Alessandra

  5. Hi we are so happy for you. Can't wait to see her and give all the love. It is not easy but God always be there. Our prayers are with you to have a safe trip and a happy back Home with your new Little Princess. God Bless you all. We love you
    Lydia and Juan

  6. She is so beautiful! A wonderful addition to your family - I admire you guys - you are the tangible hands,feet and heart of Jesus. I pray travel mercies and a smooth transition as you return to the states.

    Love the Van Volkinburgs
